Monday, January 21, 2019

Coordinated School Health Programs Essay

1.Identify the octonary components of a set up discipline wellness course of study.The eight components of coordinated school wellness consist of the following go 1. wellness education is taught to K-12 students on ways to make wellnessy decisions through health literacy. 2. Physical education is a sequential K-12 curriculum that provides cognitive means and learning experiences in a variety of activity areas. 3. Health services are designed to ensure feeler or referral to primary health care services or both. 4. Nutrition services should provide access to a variety of nutritious and appealing meals that accommodate the health and diet holds of all students. 5. Counseling, psychological, and accessible services is provided to improve students mental, emotional, and social health and includes individual and group assessments, interventions, and referrals. 6. Healthy and safe school environment includes the tangible and aesthetic surroundings and the psychosocial climate a nd culture of the school. 7. Health promotion for supply piece of tail provide opportunities for school staff members to improve their health stead through activities such as health assessments, health education, and health-related fitness activities. 8. Family and companionship involvement is the combination of school, parent, and community that enriches the health and welfare of students.2.SCHOOL/DISTRICT-BASED STUDENTS Identify the components of a CSHP that are functional in your school and/or district. Briefly excuse if, or how, these components coordinate their programs and activities.Not applicable.NON-SCHOOL-BASED STUDENTS In your current or prospective position, describe how you could support a districts or schools CSHP.The United States Department of Education indicates the effects of bullying can have a lifelong negative impact on the lives of youths. as well bullying being one of the number causes of death among youths, especially boys, it increases the calamity o f donnish failure, health problems (e.g., mental and physical), low self-esteem, and increases the inability to connect socially with others, especially peers. In my future position as an educator, I would be supportive and proactive in a CSPH that is aimed at hold opening bullying because nowadays, it is authoritative that schools provide a safer school and community environment that also prevent teen suicide, decrease school failure, and the drop-out rates. I would create ways for students to be creative in their personal and academics efforts that would build positive social interactions through attributes that includes respect, tolerance, and self-discipline. Most importantly, I would be diligent in my efforts on teaching method students how to listen and solve problems in positive ways, by providing them with the tools, such as referrals to prevention programs, counseling or psychologists to aid them and prevent negative outcomes on them physically and educationally.3.In th is age of academic accountability in public schools, CSHPs need to demonstrate a positive impact on academic proceeding in order to receive maximum support. Briefly summarize the look that supports this position and describe improvements most needed in CSHPs.Academic consummation and success of youths is linked to their health. According to research from the Center for Disease and concur (CDC) school health programs reduces the frequency of health risk behaviors among young people, and considerably health has shown to have a positive effect on academic performance. The CDC provides ways in which CSHPs can maximize their support to improve the well-being of young people through educating them on their health. The CDC analyzes research findings to develop guidelines and strategies for CSHPs program to address health risk behaviors among students by creating tools to help schools implement certain(p) guidelines through four overlapping interdependent goals. Through resources and c oncurrent coordinated approach from education, health, and social service agencies, the goals of CSHPs must includes ways to increase health knowledge, attitudes, and skills, which has to increase positive health behaviors and health outcomes among youths, and ultimately, the results must have a positive impact on young people that improves their educational and social outcomes.

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