Thursday, October 31, 2019

Social Questions and Multicultural Education Research Paper

Social Questions and Multicultural Education - Research Paper Example Also in regards to the sociological question, a class is defined as an organization of a given social grouping; which are characterized by similar rights, perceptions if not qualities, and duties. These are most often founded innately on one side and through socialization on the other side. As an end, a class is deemed with the task of founding a culture since there it forebears a routine within the organization in question. It is, therefore, no surprise that the local societies, as well as the world over, are usually classified. This alone describes the functionality definition of â€Å"class.† (Askew & Carnell, 1988). This refers to an identification paradigm based on sexuality, partly describing the gender but broadly established on roles. It uses both the psycho-social identities to the physical parametric observations and ends with individualized perceptions of themselves. In the long run sexual identity focuses on the various customs within an individual about their sexu al life. This is different from other the observation in other animal kingdoms which is specific to the task of reproduction. Sexuality, viewed in this regard in the human kingdom would just be but the tip of an iceberg. Why is this so? This is because human beings have in the recent past lived in such an advanced era that they have changed the original mode of reproduction. In the modern times, reproduction can be fully made a success even in a modern laboratory (Department for Education and Skills, 2007).... From the foregoing and relevant to the subject area, ability generally connotes the cognitive ability. For this reason, a concrete definition of this term must be tied to the intuitive values stemming from the capabilities definition of ability. In a nutshell, ability is thus the mental capacities within an individual to perceive and reason out. From its innate nature, it is tied to the fact that nature depicts a system of variety which displays the fact that various entities exist in different dimensions. This is because a student, for example, who doesn’t get well acquainted with simple skills, taught; which are in contrast viewed by another as â€Å"chicken feed† displays such a reality (Weare, 2004). Disability In contrast to ability, disability denotes cognitive incompetence an individual suffers in their endeavors to add up to new skills, attitudes, knowledge and dispositions. The person in question is a victim of natural co-existences. This makes them have gradua l control over their entire experiences and ultimately may have a grasp of their aspired courses. What this means is that the person in question doesn’t suffer a permanent condition, though long lasting in nature; this is however remedied through the incorporation of frequent practices on specified tasks. For a long time however, such an identity has been faced with innumerous challenges due to the massively widespread alienation. This has been from parallel classes as well as some expertise personnel who have most often acted unprofessionally to help avert the same consequences often pre empted. This is referred to as stereotyping whence the expert, for instance, the teacher in a class room situation, classifies

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

B-Galactosidase Enzyme Activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

B-Galactosidase Enzyme Activities - Essay Example The ideas on the regulation of protein synthesis in bacteria have mainly arisen from the studies of Perse Monod on the induced synthesis of B-galactosidase in E.coli. It resulted in the discovery of regulatory events to the transcription of DNA and the assemblage of functionally related genes into clusters called operons. The specific mechanisms exist to regulate the levels of expression in the cell. The regulation may be as a result of transcription, translation or messenger RNA stability. In this experiment, there is the regulation of transcription of bacterial genes that are either inducible or repressible enzyme systems. In induced enzymes, there is the breakdown of complex molecules for example lactose induces synthesis of the proteins B-galactosidase, galactose permease and thiogalactoside transacetylase in E.coli. The b-galactosidase enzyme found in E.coli is an example of an inducible enzyme. It catalyzes the hydrolysis of a wide variety of B-galactosides such as lactose into its constituent substances There was of sharing of the reagents labeled control and lactose (L) flask. It was vital that the lactose does not enter the control bottle. Separate, a labeled pipette was reserved to make an addition to, or to sample from the flask. Time was an important factor and lactose was timed at zero time, ninety minutes, hundred and twenty and one hundred and eighty minutes up to two hundred and forty minutes. From there, sampling procedure included. At the appropriate time, 3ml aliquots were removed from both control(C), and lactose (L) culture and further 0.5mL aliquots from lactose (L) culture placed in a plastic centrifuge tube. Dilution of 0.5mL aliquot one in five by adding 2ml of culture medium was done and labeled the cell L/5. (Michael & Nelson. 2008)

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Venezuelan Economy Under Hugo Chavezs Presidency Economics Essay

Venezuelan Economy Under Hugo Chavezs Presidency Economics Essay Venezuela is located in the upper corner of South America and neighbors with Colombia, Brazil, and Guyana. It has been nearly 200 years since Venezuela first gained its independence from Spain (1811). From 1830 onwards, when Venezuela split from the Bolivarian Colombia (1819-1830), the country was governed mostly by military and despotic regimes. That military period lasted until 1958 when the current democratic spell started following the ousting of General Marcos Perez Jimenezs dictatorship.  [1]  Despite that long period of military dictatorships, the Venezuelan economy is considered to be a mixed economy where there is a mixture of command and free market elements  [2]  . These will be discussed in greater depth in the following text. Venezuela had until the 1980s a series of successful periods of economic growth  [3]  . The country had from there on and until 1999 a succession of economic and political crises. The government previous to the election of Hugo Chavez headed by Rafael Caldera was in power from 1994 to 1999. During this time in office he had to deal with high inflation rates and a financial crisis. Due to these severe problems, Caldera was forced to impose an exchange control in mid-1994. This was shortly followed by more stabilization actions that were enforced by the International Monetary Fund agreement. Due to these severe actions taken by the Calderas government (Convergencia) he became severely unpopular among the electorate. This did not help him win his reelection and set the stage for Hugo Chavez  [4]  . The purpose of this essay is to discuss whether or not Hugo Rafael Chà ¡vez Frà ­as regime is moving towards a planned economy due his anti- American stance. Moises Naim states that the rise to power of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez is often seen as evidence of an impending backlash against globalization, American-style capitalism.  [5]  This statement reflects the change in the governments policies on the Venezuelan economic system. To further explain this transformation it is vital to define what a free market economy and planned economy are. Theoretical Background Hypotheses If the Venezuelan government is moving from a free market economy to a planned economy, one would expect to find evidence of this transition economy. Definitions are needed to be known before explanation of results. A free market economy refers to an economy in which markets, in other words the interaction of buyers and producers, determine price and output.  [6]  In addition, this economic system [relies] on free markets which permit people to engage in economic activities largely free from government control.  [7]  In other words the government must have a hands-off policy in regards to the economy. Therefore, all production is in private hands and companies are able to adjust their wages and prices according to the demand and supply curve. Furthermore individuals are able to make independent decisions regarding the price of products, amount of production, and retailing. The free market economy is one that allows for the best interests of both consumers and producers to be met  [8]  . Advantages of the free market economy include: resources are allocated by market forces and price mechanisms,  [9]  and the motivation of profits provides an incentive to reduce costs and be innovate.  [10]  As William Baumol points out, to some extent, innovation in the economy is important as it indicates the expansion of peoples creativities in businesses and therefore fosters productivity growth in the economy.  [11]  What this makes clear once again is that a lot of the power and decision making lie within companies and the market. Disadvantages can include resources being used up too quickly as firms seek to make high profits and to minimize costs.  [12]  Additionally, large firms can expand and dominate a particular industry; leading to higher prices, and results in excessive power. A planned economy is defined as an economy where decisions are made by the government on the behalf of the people, and in theory, in their best interests.  [13]  This indicates that the state has great ownership of resources in the economy and through this provides social welfare to the people. In this economy the government sets the price of resources. There are thought to be several advantages and disadvantages in a planned economy. The advantages are that the government can directly influence the distribution of income to make it more equal  [14]  . In addition the government determines which [types of goods] are to be supplied  [15]  . This necessarily gives the government the power to decide what goods are considered to be important in the society. A disadvantage of this economy is the government [s dominance which] may lead to a loss of personal freedom of choice  [16]  . Unlike the free market economy there is no incentive for individuals or firms to be innovat iveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ goods are often of poor quality and usually a limited choice.  [17]  No competition in the economy and low profit (or absence of profit altogether) can lead to inefficiencies of resources. In short, it is the government, and not the consumers, who make all the decisions. A planned economy is an ideology often used by governments in communist states. Countries like Cuba and North Korea are currently using a planned economy system. An important concept of economic theory in describing a planned economy and free market economy is the understanding of economic growth. Economic growth is defined as an improvement in the standard of living (that) typically occurs when an economy increases its output of goods and services during an expansion  [18]  . This leads to economic development which refers to an improvement in living standards in an economy encompassing material consumption, education, health, and environmental concerns.  [19]  Therefore the use of a production possibility curve (PPC) is implemented to determine economic growth. Looking at the graph below (figure 1), one can see the theoretical downfall of the total goods and services (GDP) as the market moves from free market to planned economy. The PPC1 curve shifts downwards to PPC2 a level where planned economy would function. In moving from a free economy to a more planned economy orientated structure (transition economy), theoretically the output of the countrys total goods and services would decrease because of the inefficiencies. Overall the economic growth diminishes as the governments dominance in the economy increases. Figure 1 The PPC can also be used to better understand the change in government spending in a planned economy. This curve demonstrates the shifting of the government spending. The graph below (figure 2) presents public sector production and private sector production. The PPC curve represents the maximum amount of output possible given the available resources.  [20]  . At point A, there is an equal amount of production from the public and private sector. The total production at point A is on the PPC curve meaning that the maximum level of production is obtained  [21]  . As the government moves closer to a fully planned economy and it begins to invest in the public sector which include schools, health programs, housing, and so forth bureaucracy and inefficiencies increase and production moves to point B.  [22]  As we can see in figure 2, point B is no longer on the PPC curve but below it, signaling that the maximum level of output is not being achieved. Figure 2 Methodology Departing from the following hypothesis If the Venezuelan government is moving from a free market economy to a planned economy, one would expect to find evidence of this transition economy. This evidence would be found in several areas. One would expect to find more government bureaucracy and interferences in private enterprises. This could take the form of increased unjustified fines, paper work, restriction of all kinds, and control, which all result in reduction of business. One would also expect to find an increase in the nationalization of private companies; this could take the form of expropriation of private lands by the government. Further evidence of a movement towards a planned economy would be greater spending on social welfare. This would be clear in areas such as health, education, and housing. Finally, one would expect to find evidence of more interference in the economic structure exemplified by manipulation of currency exchange rates. To prove my hypothesis, this evid ence should be demonstrated as actually present in order to confirm the transition of Venezuelas economy. To prove or disprove my hypothesis I relied both on primary and secondary sources. In investigating primary sources, I met with two local business men  [23]  and one professor  [24]  in Venezuela. I then asked them specific questions  [25]  regarding their businesses in this transition economy. Furthermore, in October 2010 on a visit to Venezuela, I was able to make my own observations of the state of the country. In investigating secondary sources, I researched articles and books written by authors and journalists. In addition, I looked for statistics that represent the movement from a free-market to a planned economy. Results Analysis Evaluation More government interference on businesses When Hugo Chavezs government got into office in 1999, the government slowly imposed new regulations on all sizes of businesses. This policy mainly impacted negatively small businesses and employment. I interviewed one business man, Otto Horn, regarding the increased bureaucracy that his firm, Floritec  [26]  , encounters. In this interview he stated that It is harder to import and export raw materials and finished products abroad  [27]  . Many businesses are required to fill in extra custom paper work for SENIAT (the governments tax collection entity)  [28]  and face crippling fines for even a minor inconsistency in the eyes of custom agents. It gets harder by the day to keep small enterprises in business. This has led to higher cost for businesses as these bureaucratic obstacles force the firms to hire more labor to deal with these issues. As well, it is noticed that waiting for approvals from the government in so many newly imposed demands on small enterprises means los s of time and money which impacts the efficiency of these businesses. To put an example, the government has begun charging firms for the use of their own company logo on their own trucks. Otto Horn stated, If you want to put a company logo, you need to buy a license from the government and this raises costs.  [29]  These examples point to an increased level of government interference. Small businesses are mostly affected by these measures as they dont have enough capital to cover these new expenses. Big businesses have also been affected by these government interferences and even though they are better prepared to cope with it the uncertainty leads to less investment and further instability in the economy as a whole. In early 2009, the economy encountered high inflation  [30]  . This caused a surge in the prices of all products. The Venezuelan government, under Chavez, made several attempts in reducing this high inflation. One of the actions taken was imposing price controls on certain staple foods in an effort to make them more affordable to everyone. However, this action did not have the best outcome, [the] government [`s] attempts to impose price control has had limited effect as big food producers have cut back on production, food distributors have decreased shipments and even hoarded essential goods and retail sellers have traded on the black market  [31]  This control further damaged the food producers by cutting their profit which forced them to reduce the costs, which in one example was achieved by reducing the number of employees. Furthermore, Luis Carmona of Polar states, Forcing companies to produce rice at a loss will not resolve the situation, [and] simply makes it worse.  [32]  In addition, fewer goods could be established on the market. These price controls largely affects food producers and many food processing companies became bankrupt. Hugo Chavez and his government decided to sue or even nationalize dysfunctional companies if they do not follow the governments rules  [33]  . Hugo Chavez said he would take over the control of the food processing industries, as he said in one of his statements, I will expropriate them, I have no problem with that, and Ill pay them with bonds. Dont count on me paying with hard cash  [34]  . This suggests that the government is serious about making food available to the poor but on the other hand, private firms cannot cope with the price changes unless it cuts down on costs. This is all evidence of a planned economy. Government interference was evident in the conversation with another business man named Jorge Redmond, CEO of Chocolates El Rey  [35]  . Mr. Redmond initially wanted to merge his company with the world renowned company, Nestlà ©. He wanted to merge the company to avoid suffocating levels of governmental interference and bureaucratic hurdles brought upon the firm affecting its products exports mainly to its U.S customers. However the government blocked the deal between the potential mergers, as the government did not want more foreign presence in Venezuela  [36]  . The governments move against expansion of global assets limits the choices of private firms. This emphasizes the governments bureaucracy and interference on businesses. Government Nationalization Growing bureaucracy and government interference have led to a failure of private companies as they cannot maintain healthy profitability levels. This has given the government an excuse to nationalize private firms. Common examples are CA Nacional Telefonos de Venezuela (CANTV), the countrys telephone company and Electricidad de Caracas, the largest electric company in Venezuela  [37]  . These nationalizations were linked by Chavez to his pursuit of XXI century Socialism  [38]  . In July 2007, at the start of the high fuel prices, the government nationalized key infrastructures of the Venezuelan economy in an attempt to reach the goals of the government.  [39]   Also in 2007, the government stripped assets from two U.S. oil companies Exxon Mobil Corp. and ConocoPhilips.  [40]  The government seized control of the profits of both companies. In the following year, 2008, Hugo Chavez and his government ordered the nationalization of the cement industry, Cemex,  [41]  a Mexican owned company. Chavezs rationale was to prepare for future building in the housing sector. In addition, in 2008, the Venezuelan steel mill, Siderà ºrgica del Orinoco SIDOR, was nationalized. Chavez complained the companies do not put a high enough priority on supplying the domestic market  [42]  . In 2009, the government for the first time ordered the Venezuelan armed forces to take over a business, in this case a rice processing plant  [43]  . In October 2010 the government nationalized AGROISLENA, the countrys largest producer of goods and services for the agricultural sector  [44]  . According to The Economist, since Hugo Chavez got into power in 1999, almost 400 companies have been nationalized, the vast majority in the past two years.  [45]  This shows the governments movement to take over major industries in order to fix the prices of the goods. All the above actions taken by the government have been sweeping reforms throughout the nation with the aim of reducing the prices of products which would result in massive consumption of the products by the local economy. The nationalization of firms by the government points to evidence of a planned economy as the government begins to de-privatize companies, moving towards a greater control of how the economy functions. More Social Welfare Spending Hugo Chavez came to power by promising the people a reduction in poverty and an increase in quality of life for the masses. This spending was fueled by high oil prices in July 2007, crude had reached the remarkable world market price of $US 147 per barrel.  [46]   This increased spending in the public sector gives more evidence of the move to a planned economy. The graph (figure 3) below shows the statistics of government public expenditure  [47]  . The current regime under Hugo Chavez has increased public spending by a factor of 13 between 1999 (the year Chavez entered office) to 2008. Figure 3 The government has spent money on the educational, health, and housing sectors. With the increase profits from the oil rents and productions, the Ministry of Education has introduced mission programs, Robinson I and II are mission[s] focusing on literacy and primary education for adults, Ribas and Sucre target secondary and university education for individuals who never had the opportunity to attend or those who dropped out.  [48]  This missions are examples of increased spending on the public sector. Hugo Chavezs government has increased public spending on the health sector of the economy. The government has created new mission programs such as, Barrio Adentro [which] provides free health care to the poor through the assistance of tens of thousands of Cuban doctors  [49]  Internet correspondence with Guillermo Buhrkohl  [50]  , a political professor from Venezuela, confirms this in the following, The health programs known as Mission Barrio Adentro and Mission Miracle, are programsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ aiming [at]à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ providing primary medical attention to the shantytown population; however the professor confirms the government is literally asphyxiating both health care provided by private hospitals and the traditional public health system, paradoxically the later is the place where the poor go when a very limited Barrio Adentro cannot cope. This proves that there has been an increase in government spending on healthcare which could be seen as detrimental to both priv ate and public sectors. The government promised the masses to increase the public social welfare to all. This would also include the construction of close to free housing for each family. From my own personal observation while visiting the country in October 2010, the use of the billboards to promote housing plans was clearly evident everywhere  [51]  . This evidence of increased spending in the public sector mostly for political purposes adds up to the motive of the planned economy. Manipulation of currency Hugo Chavezs government has interfered deeply into the currency market. The government has made severe adjustments to currency, starting with the introduction of strict exchange rate controls by pegging the exchange rate to the American dollar in 2005. In 2008, the government changed the numerical currency making 1,000 Bolivars equal to the value of one Bolivar Fuerte (strong Bolivar)  [52]  . This measure could be seen to minimize the perceived inflation due to government action. However, it does not address the inflation that the country faces. In January 8th 2010, the government announced the devaluing of the currency by up to 50%  [53]  . The government believed that the devaluation of the Bolivar would trigger an export boom as Venezuelas exports would become more competitive. In reality, the devaluation had little to no effect on the countrys exports, as can be seen in Figure 4  [54]  . Figure 4 As mentioned above, in 2005, Hugo Chavezs administration made extreme adjustments to the Venezuelan financial system. The governments control over the currency exchange rates is shown in a statement, The introduction of the exchange controls has meant that companies and individuals have to apply to the Comision de Administracion de Divisas (Cadivi, the official foreign exchange agency).  [55]  This is where the government fixed the currency rate at 2.15 to the dollar. This triggered an increase in imports from 2005 which can be seen on the graph above (Fig.3)  [56]  . On January 8, 2010, the devaluation has occurred; from 2.15 bolivars to the [US] dollar to 4.3 bolivars to the [US] dollar  [57]  explained above caused higher consumer inflation on goods thus affecting the total spending on imported goods like televisions. The devaluation of the currency and exchange controls has lead the Venezuelan economy to have extremely high inflation. Consumption in the Venezuelan economy has decreased and business production has lowered to meet their expenditures. For example, Movistar, [in Venezuela] a mobile phone company owned by Spains Telefonica, last month [August 2010] à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ suspended roaming agreements in 13 countries.  [58]  This indicated that the dollar squeeze is affecting the Venezuelan economy deeply. On the other hand, high inflation means that the government gets more Bolivars from a quick recovery of oil prices, and exporting oil to United States. This money allows the government to satisfy the needs of the Venezuelans to the best interests of the government, and this brings the role of the government into everyday lives as, that gives Mr. Chavez the chance to throw money around: pay rises for the army for example.  [59]  This manipulation of the currency gives solid evidence of interferences in economy by Hugo Chavezs government which adds a new element that confirms the hypothesis of a transition towards a planned economy in Venezuela. Conclusions In this investigation, I found information that supports the transformation to a planned economy from a free market economy in Venezuela. The evidence included: increased government bureaucracy, nationalization of the private sector, increased government spending in social welfare, and increased manipulation of the currency. This has led Hugo Chavezs government to gain greater control of the Venezuelan economic system since his election in 1998. The government is able to decide which goods and services are considered to be important for society. Such examples are the heavily subsidized food distribution firms (MERCAL and PDVAL) created by the government  [60]  . In this investigation, there are a number of difficulties that hinder the gathering of evidence. First, it was hard to gain true statistics regarding the economy. For example, the unemployment rate is hard to determine due to the fact that workers in the informal sector of the economy are included in the statistics which constitutes half of the countrys total workforce  [61]  . It was difficult to find statistical data to support the losses of business budget. Despite my attempts to access this information through internet sources, I was unsuccessful. Secondly there has been a strong political bias in many articles, books, and interviews. These biases affected my research and influenced me deeply, though I made every attempt to remain objective. In addition, it was often hard to separate politics from economics where both are closely linked together. These shortcomings together with a lack of time beg for further and more in depth research to formalize conclusions. Specifically, I would wish to focus on a significant number of concrete business cases where the governments interference in the economy has greatly affected their profitability. I would be interested in confirming the statistical data to support the hypothesis presented. However, the evidence and research presented here demonstrate that there are elements to sustain my hypothesis. It is clear that the government is seriously attempting to impose upon the country a planned economy of the Venezuela. Whether the government is able to complete a transition to a fully planned economy or not, this conclusion stands regardless. In my opinion, the move to the planned economy under Hugo Chavez can have a negative impact on Venezuela as it has negatively limited the freedom of Venezuelan businesses and increased government interference in the economy. Evidence can be found in articles discussing the current brain drain  [62]  ; the educated Venezuelans are more likely to leave the country. Many of these educated people whom are students, professors, doctors, business owners and so forth have either moved to Colombia or to the United States. References Bad news for Venezuelan economy. El Universal 24 May 2010: n. pag. Web. 22 Nov. 2010. . Baumol, Willam. The free-market innovation machine: analyzing the growth miracle of capitalism. Oxfordshire: Princeton University Press, 2002. Print. Blink, Jocelyn, and Ian Dorton. Economics: Course Companion. Oxford: Database right Oxford University Press, 2007. Print. The Bolivarian Brain Drain. Newsweek 1 July 2009: n. pag. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Ethical Issues in e-Commerce Essay -- Business Ethics

Introduction The Internet has received a great deal of attention in the media lately due to its tremendous growth in usage by both consumers and businesses. The unique capabilities of the Internet has captured the attention of the marketing community. While a growing number of companies have or are interested in developing an Internet presence, there is still a great deal of uncertainty about it and the potential ethical issues associated with its use as a marketing medium. Although many businesses are acknowledging the importance of a Web site, but the potential ethical issues related to marketing on the Internet still having an uncertainty in this situation. Much less attention has been given to the business community's perceptions of the ethicalness of this new medium. The unique interactivity of the Internet has captured the marketing community's interest as a way to develop and enhance customer relationships and establish greater brand identity. Thus, many commercial services have become available on the Internet that allow consumers and organizations to interact electronically. Thes e services include booking airline tickets online, buying books and compact discs, and receiving stock market information. Although the number of consumer users and commercial organizations navigating on this "information superhighway" is growing almost exponentially, the benefits of the Internet are not without drawbacks. Ethical Issues Privacy Privacy is the condition where someone personal information can not be documented and be used by others (Parent, 1983). Privacy has been and continues to be a significant issue of concern for both current and prospective electronic commerce customers. The foll... ...try to ensure Internet security. More practically, marketers must try to target consumer groups more accurately. Minimizing unwanted consumer contacts may reduce the intensity and visibility of some dimensions of privacy issues. Last, marketing researchers must attempt to define privacy operationally. Much has been said and written about consumer privacy, but we still have little understanding of what information consumers consider private, why they consider it private, and whether this set of information changes situationally or in response to other factors. Works Cited Stead, B. A., & Gilbert, J. (2001). Ethical issues in electronic commerce. Journal of Business Ethics, 34, 75-85. Foxman, E. R., & Kilcoyne, P. (n.d.). Information technology, marketing practice, and consumer privacy: ethical issues. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 12(1), 106-119.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fast-Food Advertising Deceives Americans to Obesity Essay

With every precious tick of the clock, an American rushes to perform yet another task in a day with a meager 24 hours. With all the activity encompassed within these hours, many aspects of life are neglected. One of these aspects–the most important and vital one, in fact– is self-nourishment. One must eat foods that are healthy as well as conducive to optimal bodily function and survival. In an attempt to adequately nourish themselves, Americans have fallen victim to seductive fast-food advertising that falsely leads them to believe that fast-food is healthy; this is an unconscionable misrepresentation on the part of the advertisers and thus should be punished. Firstly, what is the point of advertising? â€Å"Advertising,† the San Francisco Chronicle says, â€Å"is meant too woo the consumer. The fast food industry uses images of crisp green lettuce, juicy red tomatoes, and crunchy nutritious onions in its advertisements to lure the hungry American off their couch and into fast-food restaurants†. This unabashed seduction of the mouth and eyes, coupled with endorsements of celebrities (Britney Spears for McDonalds, BB King for Burger King, etc.), leads Americans to fast-food restaurants in droves. Since the late 1970s, notes the Anchorage Daily News, â€Å"fast food consumption has risen over 15%. While Americans used to consume fast food for about only 17% of their meals, that number has now skyrocketed to 32%.† The sharp increase in consumption of fast food since the 1970s can be attributed to the aggressive advertising campaigns of the fast food industry. Clearly, the objectives of these advertisers have been met as they have been successful in attracting consumers by the millions and thus achieving enormous growth within the industry. However, the means by which advertisers attract these customers are deceitful. Fast-food advertisers, charges the Boston Globe, are aware of the fact that, â€Å"America is weight-conscious. They pepper their advertisements with images of vegetables and healthy foods to make fast food seem healthy.† However, this is simply not the case: one quarter-pounder with a large side of French fries from the infinitely popular Burger King chain, has 1,166  calories, 95 mg of cholesterol, 1,300 mg of sodium, and over 51 grams of fat. These amounts far surpass the recommended intake per meal. The Lexington Clipper-Herald declares, â€Å"Fast food restaurants, ranging from Ranch One to McDonald’s to Popeye’s have meals that top over 2,000 calories- the recommended daily caloric intake for an adult aged 18-65.† These facts are masked and overlooked in advertisements, causing health-conscious Americans, as well as those who simply desire a quick meal, to buy fast-food with little or no knowledge of its negative effects. â€Å"What exactly are these negative effects?† one may ask. Well, not only are many Americans unaware of the fatty content in many fast foods, they actually believe that it is healthy due to the advertising that is intended to make them believe so. Thus, they eat fast food as often as two or three times a day. The Guardian quotes one man, Gregory Rhymes, a nearly 400-pound man as saying ‘†I normally order the Big Mac, fries, ice-cream or shake for lunch and dinner. I like to super-size my orders.†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ. His mother, Ruth, said shortly after, â€Å"‘I would have stopped him, but I always believed that McDonalds’ food was healthy for my son.†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ The Rhymes’ are not alone: The Seattle Times reports that â€Å"Over the last few decades, increased consumption and sales of unhealthful fast food has paralleled the rising prevalence of obesity.† This increased consumption and growth in sales is partly the result of deceptive advertising. Though other factors may have caused the increased popularity of these chains, such as the American lifestyle, the reality is that this devious advertising has contributed to an ever-growing trend, with over 25% of American children either overweight or obese. This obesity, while obviously aesthetically unappealing, â€Å"has been associated with cardiovascular, endocrine, pulmonary, hepatic, renal, musculoskeletal, neurological, and psychosocial complications† according to the Boston Globe. Again, the libelous advertising that has caused millions to choose fast-food restaurants over healthier alternatives has effectively contributed to the higher incidence of obesity in the United States. It is unconscionable that any company, well-aware of the potential harmful effects of their food, could so egregiously deceive and subsequently profit from the ignorance of the American public. Of course, it is the responsibility of every individual  to educate themselves about the food they’re eating as they are making a conscious decision when purchasing and consuming the fast-food meals. However, one’s responsibility to oneself does not relieve the fast-food industry of their obligation to educate or at least, present fairly to the public the products they offer. The responsibility of a company to the society at large is such that they do not harm their customers but add value through their product. In this case, the fast-food industry has played a significant role in the rise in obesity due to their bad faith advertising. Marketing campaigns that reek of dishonesty should be eliminated and any continued deception of this nature should be subjected to either monetary or regulatory punishment. It would be tragic for more people like Gregory Rhymes to suffer as a result of consumers’ misplaced trust. Hopefully, with increased health awareness, the popularity of fast-food will slowly fade; Americans will regain their health and reclaim lives crippled by fast-food induced obesity and its complications.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

1984 Sexual Rebellion

Jamie Aragon English 12 B-2 17 March 2005 Sexual Rebellion The First Lady, Abigail Adams, once stated, â€Å"If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation† (BrainyQuote). This statement was intended for rebellion regarding the rights of women, however rebellion is rebellion. Due to this stand led by Adams and other women, the females in society today are fortunate enough to have received all of the rights possible.Rebellion is not only used when citizens’ rights are needed, but as Abigail said, it is used when people â€Å"have no voice or representation. † For example, many teenagers feel like they are never listened to or that even if they were heard, their comments would be irrelevant. What happens with these kids when this occurs? Many rebel to get their point across and their voices heard. While there are many form s of rebellion among high school and early college students, such as involving oneself in alcohol or drugs, the most common type could be agreed upon as involving oneself in sexual activity.Similarly, Winston and Julia also rebelled against a government in which they did not have a say. These are the two main characters from George Orwell’s dystopic novel, 1984, in which the protagonist, Winston Smith, is watched every second of every day by their government that is also known as Big Brother. Big Brother’s intense control is what led Winston to do what he felt needed to be done. Despite the government’s support for goodness and purity, Winston and Julia engaged in sexual activity to rebel against Big Brother.When an authority figure has a strong stance on a certain rule or law, those are the situations that are more likely to be broken, simply due to the fact that they are rules that are set to not be rebelled against. Winston comments to Julia, â€Å"I hate pu rity, I hate goodness. I don’t want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones† (Orwell 137). These were two of the many things that Big Brother strongly supported. Therefore, when one wanted to rebel against this government and the rules that they stood for, purity and goodness were easy targets to act upon, as did Winston and Julia.After hearing this comment, Julia responds by telling Winston that she is the epitome of what corruption to the bones is. Smith is delighted to hear this from her, understanding that this is the woman whom he will rebel with. In fact, â€Å"That was above all what he wanted to hear. Not merely the love of one person, but the animal instinct, the simple undifferentiated desire: that was the force that would tear the Party to pieces† (137). What is stated implies that Winston is not looking for a lifetime partner, rather more of just a partner in crime; someone that will join him in the rebellion.Their dia logue that was proceeding consisted of Winston telling Julia that the more partners she had been with, the more he loved her. However, the love that he uses with her, is it real love or is it more along the lines of lust; a lust for someone to just accompany his side? Throughout the novel, it is easy for the reader to understand that one of the main themes is purity, or the lack of. While it can be looked upon in more depth, it is stated clearly that the lovemaking that the characters share is not actually love, rather just an impure â€Å"political act† to rebel against the Party.For example, Orwell writes, â€Å"No emotion was pure, because everything was mixed up with fear and hatred. Their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the Party. It was a political act† (138). There are many examples in this novel that clearly portray this relationship as just a simple act of rebellion, this being one palpable example. The author desc ribes their embrace as a battle, implying a battle against the government; their â€Å"climax a victory,† implying that that climax had just been what they were hoping for, a blow to the face of Big Brother.This embrace screams, â€Å"Look at us, we wanted to battle against you and we were handed the trophy just following the climax. † However, Winston might as well have also been yelling out that he had no idea who the woman was that he just had sex with since â€Å"even now he had not found out her surname or her address. However, it made no difference [to him], for it was inconceivable that they could ever meet indoors or exchange any kind of written communication† (139). With this stated, once again, it shows that Winston is not concerned about the actual uman that Julia is, rather just the sexual aspects that she is about or believes in. He is not interested enough in Julia to even bother asking for her complete name, or finding out exactly where she lives. However, Orwell tries to defend this circumstance by writing that even if Winston knew where she lived, there would be no possible way for the two to meet there, because if they were found lying together, their lives would be over. Even though there are many instances where Julia, Winston, and the narrator use the term â€Å"making love†, as seen before, it is not actually love making that the two engage in, rather just plain sex.While walking, Winston ponders: He wished that he were walking through the streets with her just as they were doing now, but openly and without fear, talking of trivialities and buying odd and ends for the household. He wished above all that they had some place where they could be alone together without feeling the obligation to make love every time they met. (152) Although there is a positive aspect to this quote as Winston states that he wishes he did not feel obligated to have sex with Julia every single time that they met, he still uses the term making love when describing his relationship between them.This incommodious obligation that Winston feels is understandable and is a good change from what he has been seeing him feel, however, if he really feels that what they share is love rather than sex, why did he not care to know her surname, her morals, or anything else about her that did not regard sexuality. While some may disagree, making love is exactly what it appears. It is love that is shared between two partners who love one another, not the pleasure of sex between practically strangers. While having sex and making love could be viewed as two very different acts, Big Brother does not stand for either.Big Brother always wants the members’ energy and focus on the government and does not want for a moment otherwise, as they believe is what happens when members involve themselves in sexual activity. For example, Julia states, â€Å"‘When you make love you’re using up energy; and afterwards you feel ha ppy and don’t give a damn for anything. They can’t bear you to feel like that. They want you to be bursting with energy all the time’† (145). What is sometimes worse than committing an act of rebellion, is the feeling deep inside when the time has come to confess to this action.Winston and Julia arrive at what they think is the home of another rebel; they soon discover that this man had it in for both of them throughout the entire novel. However, before noticing this, Winston confesses about him and Julia. He states, â€Å"We are enemies of the Party. We disbelieve in the principles of Ingsoc. We are thoughtciminals. We are also adulterers [and] I tell you this because we want to out ourselves at your mercy† (185). Winston thinks that by confessing his sins to O’Brien, a member of the thought police, he is setting himself along with Julia free.Little does he know that by committing this action, he was practically turning himself in by throwin g both of their lives at the feet of Big Brother. This example proves that Winston and Julia committed adultery, so he says, as a pure act of rebellion against Big Brother since they are â€Å"enemies of the Party. † However, while I, along with many others, believe that this relationship was solely based on rebellion, Albert Camus states, â€Å"Methods of thought which claim to give the lead to our world in the name of revolution have become, in reality, ideologies of consent and not of rebellion. This disagreement is stating that while it is thought to be rebellion committed by Smith and Julia, it is in fact an ideology of consent, thus having nothing to do with rebellion. Despite Camus point of view, by considering all of the statements that George Orwell provides, it is still more likely to be an act of rebellion over anything. Even though this relationship can be looked upon as an act of rebellion against the Big Brother government, Winston and Julia try their utmost ha rdest to not let the truth get out. They both know very well that, in this case, their rebellion could lead both of their lives to death if they were discovered.Julia whispers to Winston, â€Å"‘And now listen, dear, we’ve got to fix up about the next time we meet. We may as well go back to the place in the wood; we’ve given it a good long rest. But you must get there by a different way. I’ve got it all planned out’† (149). While Winston and Julia actually try to keep their rebellion a secret, many teens rebel against authority for the satisfaction of being caught and being able to reflect upon the moment they were discovered. For instance, when the Columbine shooting took place, it did not occur out of the blue, nor did the two offenders attempt to not be caught.In fact, the two boys told various people about their plan, not worrying about being disciplined before the offence. While the reader has seen proof of Winston’s lack of inter est in the person who Julia is, it is time to see Julia’s side. Had she truly cared about Winston, she could have continued to strive for the overcoming of Big Brother to end up together with Winston. However, she does not feel this way and it can be seen by viewing her comment: ‘We may be together for another six months- a year- there’s no knowing. At the end we’re certain to be apart.Do you realize how utterly alone we shall be? When once they get hold of us there will be nothing, literally nothing, that either of us can do for the other. If I confess, they’ll shoot you, and if I refuse to confess they’ll shoot you just the same. Nothing that I can do or say, or stop myself from saying, will put off your death for as much as five minutes. ’ (181) Julia reflects in-depth upon what outcomes will appear after the relationship between her and Winston is unveiled. She confidently states that when all is over and done with, the two will no t have remained together.She repeats over and over that, no matter either one of them do or say, it is impossible and nonnegotiable for the two to remain as the sexual couple that they are, not even a duo for that matter. Through George Orwell’s novel, it is clear that Winston and Julia commit adultery for the single reason of rebelling against Big Brother, despite the government’s support for goodness and purity. In society today, teenagers can be found constantly rebellion against authority for the simple sake of breaking a few rules, similar to Winston smith and Julia.In the novel, 1984, rebellion was not viewed as something patriotic, nor was it looked at as a positive change to their society. However, rebellion does not always have to be seen as a negative action. For example, Margaret Lee Runbeck once made a statement that, if turned around, could read, â€Å"Rebellion is always learning. † This supports the statement made early regarding rebellion as not always have a negative outcome or cause. Runbeck stated, â€Å"Learning is always rebellion†¦ Every bit of new truth discovered is revolutionary to what was believed before. †

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Life and Art of Eva Hesse, Postmodern Sculpture Pioneer

Life and Art of Eva Hesse, Postmodern Sculpture Pioneer Eva Hesse was a German-American artist known for her work as a postmodern sculptor and draughtswoman. Her work is characterized by a willingness to experiment with material and form, fashioning work from latex, string, fiber glass, and rope. Though she died at the age of thirty-four, Hesse has had a lasting impact on American art as a radical voice that pushed the New York art world into an era beyond Abstract Expressionism and stark Minimalism, the dominant art movements at the time she was working in the 1960s. Fast Facts: Eva Hesse Occupation:  Artist, sculptor, draughtswomanKnown for:  Experimenting with materials such as latex, string, fiber glass, and ropeEducation: Pratt Institute of Design, Cooper Union, Yale University (B.A.)Born:  January 11, 1936 in Hamburg, GermanyDied:  May 29, 1970 in New York, New York Early Life Eva Hesse was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1936 to a secular Jewish family. At the age of two, she and her older sister were put on a train to the Netherlands in order to escape the increasing threat of the Nazi party in Germany following Kristallnacht. For six months, they lived in a Catholic orphanage without their parents. As Hesse was a sickly child, she was in and out of the hospital, with not even her older sister for company. Once reunited, the family escaped to England, where they lived for several months, before they were miraculously able to sail to the United States in 1939, on one of the last boats of refugees welcomed on American shores. Settling in New York did not spell peace for the Hesse family, however. Hesse’s father, a lawyer in Germany, trained and was able to work as an insurance broker, but her mother had trouble adjusting to life in the United States. As a manic depressive, she was frequently hospitalized and eventually left Hesse’s father for another man. Following the divorce, young Hesse never saw her mother again, and she later committed suicide in 1946, when Eva was ten years old. The chaos of her early life characterizes the trauma Hesse would endure throughout her life, with which she would wrestle in therapy for her entire adult life. Eva’s father married a woman also named Eva, the strangeness of which was not lost on the young artist. The two women did not see eye to eye, and Hesse left for art school at the age of sixteen. She dropped out of the Pratt Institute less than a year later, fed up with its mindless traditional teaching style, where she was forced to paint uninspired still life after uninspired still life. Still a teenager, she was forced to move back home, where she got a part time job at Seventeen magazine and began taking classes at the Art Students’ League. Hesse decided to take the entrance exam for the Cooper Union, passed, and attended the school for a year before moving on to get her BFA at Yale, where she studied under renowned painter and color theorist Josef Albers. Friends who knew Hesse at Yale remembered her to be his star student. Though she did not enjoy the program, she stayed until graduation in 1959. Return to Germany In 1961, Hesse married sculptor Tom Doyle. Described as equally â€Å"passionate† people, their marriage was not an easy one. Reluctantly, Hesse moved back to her native Germany with her husband in 1964, as he was awarded a fellowship there. While in Germany, Hesses art practice matured into what would become her best known work. She began using string in her sculpture, a material which resonated with her, as it was the most practical way of translating the lines of drawing into three dimensions. Critical Success Upon returning to the United States in 1965, Hesse began to hit her stride as a critically successful artist. The year 1966 saw two landmark group shows in which she exhibited: â€Å"Stuffed Expressionism† at Graham Gallery, and â€Å"Eccentric Abstraction† curated by Lucy R. Lippard at Fischbach Gallery. Her work was singled out and critically praised in both shows. (1966 also saw the dissolution of her marriage to Doyle through separation.) The next year Hesse was given her first solo show at Fischbach, and was included in the Warehouse Show, â€Å"9 at Leo Castelli† along with fellow Yale alumnus Richard Serra. She was the only woman artist among the nine to be given the honor. Artistic Milieu in New York City Hesse worked in a milieu of similarly-minded artists in New York, many of whom she called her friends. Nearest and dearest to her, however, was sculptor Sol LeWitt, eight years her senior, who she called one of the two people â€Å"who really know and trust me.† The two artists equally exchanged influence and ideas, perhaps the most famous example of which is LeWitt’s letter to Hesse, encouraging her to quit distracting herself with insecurity and just â€Å"DO.† Months after her death, LeWitt dedicated the first of his famous wall drawings using â€Å"not straight† lines to his late friend. Art In her own words, the closest summation Hesse managed to come up with to describe her work was â€Å"chaos structured as non-chaos,† as in sculptures that contained within them randomness and confusion, presented within structured scaffolding. â€Å"I want to extend my art into something that doesn’t exist,† she said, and though conceptualism was gaining popularity in the art world, critic Lucy Lippard says that Hesse was not interested in the movement as â€Å"material meant much too much to her.† The creation of â€Å"non-shapes,† as Hesse termed them, was one way to bridge the gap between her dedication to direct touch, investment in material, and abstract thinking.   Her use of unconventional materials like latex has sometimes meant that her work is difficult to preserve. Hesse said that, just as â€Å"life doesn’t last, art doesn’t last.† Her art attempted to â€Å"dismantle the center† and destabilize the â€Å"life force† of existence, departing from the stability and predictability of minimalist sculpture. Her work was a deviation from the norm and as a result has had an indelible impact on sculpture today, which uses many of the looping and asymmetrical constructions that she pioneered.   Legacy Hesse developed a brain tumor at the age of thirty-three and died in May 1970 at the age of thirty-four. Though Hesse did not live to participate in it, the women’s movement of the 1970s championed her work as a female artist and ensured her lasting legacy as a pioneer in the American art world. In 1972, the Guggenheim in New York staged a posthumous retrospective of her work, and in 1976 feminist critic and essayist Lucy R. Lippard published Eva Hesse, a monograph on the artist’s work and the first full length book to be published on virtually any American artist of the 1960s. It was organized by LeWitt and Hesse’s sister, Helen Charash. Tate Modern staged a retrospective of her work from 2002-2003. Sources Blanton Museum of Art (2014). Lucy Lippard Lecture on Eva Hesse. [video] Available at: (2014).Kort, C. and Sonneborn, L. (2002).  A to Z of American Women in the Visual Arts. New York: Facts on File, Inc. 93-95.Lippard, L. (1976). Eva Hesse. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press.Nixon, M. (2002). Eva Hesse. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Midsummer Night Dream essays

Midsummer Night Dream essays How did The Arden school of Theatres production of a Midsummer Nights Dream present the following elements of the text on stage? How did this presentation compare to your own interpretation of the text and your expectations of how it might be staged? In -this essay I will be examining the Arden School of theatre production of A Midsummer Nights Dream. Examining the key elements of the plot, location and characters and considering my own interpretation. In A Midsummer Nights Dream Theseus, the duke of Athens, is about to marry Hippolyta, a lady warrior who he conquered. Egeus brings his daughter Hermia to court. She and Lysander want to get married, but Egeus wants her to marry Demetrius, who also wants her. Under Athenian law, Hermia must either marry the man of her father's choice, choose banishment to become a nun, or be executed. Theseus says he will enforce this law and gives everyone a few days to decide. Demetrius used to love Helena but has since abandoned her; she is Hermia's friend. Lysander and Hermia decide to elope and get married in the next town, beyond the reach of Athenian law. Hermia tells Helena, who in turn tells Demetrius in order to get him to love her again. Hermia and Lysander flee into the woods, Demetrius follows the lovers, and Helena follows him. Out in the forest, Oberon and Titania, king and queen of fairyland, have quarrelled over who will raise an orphaned Indian boy. They have also each slept with either Theseus or Hippolita. Oberon sends Puck to find a magic flower. This flower's juice, applied to a sleeper's eyes, will make the person fall in love with whoever he or she sees first upon awakening. Puck brings the flower, and Oberon applies it to the eyes of sleeping Titania. Oberon then tells Puck to apply it to the eyes of Demetrius, so that when he wakes and sees Helena he will love her instead. Hermia and Lysander fall asleep, with Lysander honouring Hermia's requ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Double Negatives in Spanish

Double Negatives in Spanish I cant get no satisfaction. I dont know nobody. You aint seen nothing yet. Because they contain double negatives, the above English sentences are considered substandard (although, of course, people often talk like that in real life). But theres no such prohibition in Spanish. In fact, in many cases, use of double negatives is required. Even triple negatives are possible. Double Negatives in Spanish Double and even triple negatives are not unusual in Spanish even though they are usually considered improper in English.Generally, negative and affirmative elements (such as the equivalents for never and always, respectively) shouldnt be used in the same Spanish sentence.Double-negative Spanish sentences can usually be translated in more than one way, such as I dont know anybody and I know nobody. Double Negatives Not Viewed Negatively in Spanish Grammarians may tell you that English doesnt use double negatives because the two negatives contradict each other and make a positive. (In other words, I dont know nobody is the same as saying I know somebody.) But negatives arent thought of in  that way in Spanish - the negatives are seen as reinforcing rather than contradicting each other. Although sometimes the second negative is used to make a stronger statement just as it is in substandard English, in most cases it is merely part of the structure of the sentence. In Spanish, the most common negative terms in addition to no (no, not) are apenas (barely, scarcely, hardly), jams (never), nadie (nobody), ni (neither, not), ninguno (none, no), ni siquiera (not even), nunca (never), and tampoco (not even, nor, neither). Most of these terms in Spanish have a corresponding affirmative term: algo (something), alguien (somebody), alguno (some), siempre (always), tambià ©n (also), and siquiera (at least). How To Use Double and Triple Negatives As a general rule, a sentence cant include both affirmative and negative terms; where one element of a sentence (subject, verb, object) includes a negative term, the other elements should use a negative term where a term is needed. Also, with the exception of nunca jams (see below), not more than one negative term is used before the verb. By following these rules, it is possible to have one, two, or three negatives in a sentence, as in the following examples: Apenas come. (She barely eats.)Apenas come nada. (She barely eats anything.)No tengo ninguno. (I dont have any.)Nadie sabe eso. (Nobody knows that.)Jams fumo. (I never smoke.)Tampoco comià ³. (She didnt eat either.)Tampoco comià ³ nada. (She didnt eat anything either.)No hablà ³. (He didnt speak.)No dijo nada. (He said nothing.)No le dijo nada a nadie. (He didnt say anything to anybody.)No compro ninguno. (Im not buying any.)Nunca le compra nada a nadie. (She never buys anything for anybody.)No come ni siquiera pan. (He doesnt even eat bread.)Ni siquiera come pan. (He doesnt even eat bread.) Note that in some cases (such as the final two examples in the chart) it is possible to say the same thing in more than one way, with either one negative or two. Generally, that is because in Spanish the subject can come before or after the verb; where a negative subject comes before the verb, a no is not needed with the verb. In this example, ni siquiera no come pan would not be standard Spanish. There generally isnt much difference in meaning between using one negative or two. Note also that various translations to English are possible. Tampoco comià ³ could be translated not only as she didnt eat either but also as neither did she eat. When a verb is used with a negative term, it isnt always necessary to use a negative term after the verb. For example, No tengo amigos (I dont have friends) is grammatically acceptable. What you shouldnt do, though, is use an affirmative term for emphasis. If you want to say I dont have any friends, use a negative term after the verb: No tengo ningà ºn amigo. Other Uses of Double Negatives There are at least two other cases where a double negative is used for added emphasis: Nada as an adverb: When used as an adverb in a negative sentence, nada usually can be translated as at all. No ayuda nada. (He doesnt help at all.)No usa nada los ordenadores. (He doesnt use computers at all.) Nunca jams: When these two negatives meaning never are used together, they reinforce each other. Nunca jams vuelo. (I never, ever fly.)Dijo el cuervo, nunca jams. (Quoth the raven, nevermore.)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Journal e Week 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal e Week 2 - Assignment Example The ultimate goal of health care should be equalizing everyones chances in getting medical attention. In advanced nursing practice justice and beneficence is when a nurse delays to attend to a patient because at that time the nurse is attending to a very ill child who requires instant medical attention. There are scenarios where nurses encounter legal and ethical dilemmas. However, the nurse must be ready to make the correct decision regardless of how unpopular they are. The moral dilemmas can be solved through education. There are ethical laws that regulate the ethics in nursing, for instance the Nurse Practice Act. A nurse can serve a jail term if found guilty for violating the standards of the nursing profession (Guido, 1996). In teaching nursing students about the ethical and legal issues in nursing case studies are very important and effective. Nevertheless, each case that a nurse will encounter in her career will be unique just as the patients but the principles behind the legal issues remain the same. In this manner, the nurse will be able to apply the ethical and legal aspects of nursing in her career (Fry, Veatch & Taylor,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Analyze the main causes of African immigration to the United States of Essay - 1

Analyze the main causes of African immigration to the United States of America - Essay Example As it were, there is a crisis of being that presents existentially and materially, affluence in the intended country of immigration, and widespread poverty in the home country. Attending the poverty are serious political and socio-economic crises that make departure and immigration all the more attractive.†(Okome). After the Second World War, several African migrants swamped the U.S. Consulate with the apparent objective of quick and immediate departure from their respective countries. Many of them sought different purposes like education, business or simple leisure. But analysts derived the motives of migrating to U.S. were far more complicated in socio-political and economic fronts. The main problem with the Third World countries, in this era of globalization lies in the fact that they are considered just as a vast resource of lowly paid labor force. The migrants, inhabiting these Less Developed Countries (LDCs), consequently get drawn to the other parts of the looking for a permanent remedy to their crisis of unemployment and underemployment. After the migration, many of them settle there permanently, except for short period home visits and many others lack visas to get back. According to Okome, the Immigrants are defined as migrants who turn out to be everlasting settlers in the U.S., as b ecause migrating moves are temporary. Exiles are those who are relocated out of the home countries due to political reasons. The 1951 Convention regarding the Refugees is well demarked. All of the different types forms a cluster and signifies the migration volume from the African continent. The situation indeed is quite different qualitatively between African migration then, and the present immigrations. However it is statistically observed that the number of immigrants coming from Africa is much less when compared to the total immigrants in U.S. according to the

Cross cultural management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Cross cultural management - Essay Example Australian government has provided huge assistance in helping those migrated Sudanese to settle in Australia. Sudan was considered to be the top sourced country for the Humanitarian Migration Program. A large number of Sudanese are now staying in Australia as indicated by the Census 2006. The record shows that in Victoria 6205 Sudanese were born which was 32.2% of the total Sudanese population staying in Australia (MIGRANT INFORMATION CENTRE, 2012). This suggests that more and more Sudanese population were joining the education and workforce in Australia. Living The first and foremost problem that the Sudanese faced was socialization. Socialization requires adaptation of the family members to the legal, cultural and social structure of Australia. There were many cultural gaps identified between Australian community and the Sudanese that included understanding the cultural context. Another problem was difficulty in speaking English. The people coming from Sudan were originally from di verse ethnicities and spoke different language. According to Census data of 2006, 25.1% of the Sudanese people spoke Dinka, 46.6% spoke Arabic and 9.1% spoke Neur (MIGRANT INFORMATION CENTRE, 2012). Hence these three languages are recognized to be most important. It is very confronting and difficult to stay in a new country, learn their language, adopt to their culture and at the same time feel not respected and accepted by the society (Licina and Dharmalingam, n.d.). Working Employment becomes the most vital part of an individual life. To sustain its livelihood it becomes important for an individual to fetch employment. This was a huge problem for Sudanese. This would also provide them with the ability to settle more aptly and nicely in the new environment. Employment also leads to many psychological effects on an individual. Getting employed not only provides a stable income but also removes the anxiety of financial problems and feels getting respected and accepted in the society (DIAC, 2012). By getting employed they would also gain gradual understanding regarding the culture and system of the new place. But the Sudanese had been struggling hard for the employment. Difficulty in gaining employment was mainly due to the racial discrimination and lack of skill and experience. English speaking problem was also a major reason for their unemployment. Studying Education is another important aspect from which the Sudanese were deprived of. However since they were not well acquainted with the English language and did not have adequate educational background from their previous country so they faced difficulty in understanding the education system of Australia. AMEP provides a free training on English of 510 hours to the new arrival, who arrived as refugees. But this was considered as an unrealistic educational support. The Sudanese never used the language English earlier, in such a situation it was difficult for them to learn a foreign language which they have neve r used. Moreover learning is a process that individual need separate time to adopt; so this measure was of no help to them. Thus this problem still remains there. Moreover the quality of school education available at Sudan is quite poor. Leaving some of the vocational training the opportunity of education in Sudan is quite limited (Commonwealth of Australia, 2007). Discussion There were several issues that made the livelihood

What is good sex Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

What is good sex - Term Paper Example It fills their heart with love and most definitely proves one’s feelings towards another person. Experienced and skilled touch of a partner wouldn’t leave woman a reason to doubt whether she is important for him. Her soul struggles for love, and this desire may be satisfied only by passionate attention and inseparableness of the partner. As for men, most of them see in sex the opportunity to get rid of irritation. Sex allows them to reawaken their passion and affection to the woman. Still, it is widely spread that men cannot understand the main aim of their efforts: they consider female orgasm to be their main purpose and their victory (Henry, 1981). Warm and humid answer of her womb is exciting, electrifying and awakens the deepest fibers of man’s being. The gates of Paradise are opened, he got his way! Woman is satisfied, and it gives a man the reason to feel that she learned everything about his love and paid tribute to his efforts. That is why to get the physical pleasure you need to have a contact with your partners body as much as you want and need, though sometimes it may seem to be the wrong place or intensity or you may think that your partner dont need it. Sometimes we cannot explain our needs and desires to a partner because of the elementary confusion. We are afraid of offending a partner or seeming to be dissolute perverts. Hence the lack of moral satisfaction comes: if we cannot talk to the partner about how we would like to make our sex, we feel offended and receive less pleasure. Gradually, this feeling is being collected and poured into a quarrel, and we (as well as our partner) may be even not aware and conscious about what was the real cause of such misunderstanding (Philpott, 2006). Kiss is one of the key components of sexuality and makes the sex be really good. It is difficult to imagine sexual game without kissing; the touch of the lips often gives a lot more emotions than sex itself. It is considered, that

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Strategic Management - Assignment Example According to that organization forms its strategies to get benefit of opportunities or to handle industrial or environmental problem. Strategies of business focus on diversified ways to achieve success. Environmental analysis establishes a linkage between business and its operating environment. Various socio economic and sustainable issues are highlighted in this analysis. In this case study three important framework are used to explain importance of environmental analysis in growth and success of organization. External environmental analysis gives a detail idea about industry. There are some major forces which controls and influence the entire business environment of a country. In this case study environmental analysis of United Kingdom is done. Explaining and analysing various factors of environment organization develop its future actions and events. This analysis also gives information about other players present in the market. The companies form a clear idea about existing compet ition and its competitive position in the market. This framework analysis highlights unpredictable and important environmental factors of UK market. PESTEL analysis explains six macro level environmental factors. These factors play a vital role in affecting business decisions of a company. Political: UK has many political rules and regulations which affects the establishment of business strategies. UK government has imposed several laws and regulations regarding retail management and its waste disposal. Wide range political factors affect Tesco’s operation and business process. Different types of taxes are levied by UK government on the business activities of Retail Company. For example Tesco have given many taxes for conducting its business operations (Meckel 79). Tesco forms strategies to reduce its tax burden in its operating market. The government of this country also encourages the retail company to develop and expand its business

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critique on the Article, An Anorexic's Recovery. by Leanna Rutherford Lab Report

Critique on the Article, An Anorexic's Recovery. by Leanna Rutherford - Lab Report Example According to Rutherford, she "was 17 and in her [my] graduating year of high school when she [I] decided that she [I] wanted to lose weight" (n.p.). Studies show that mostly, adolescent young women are affected by this mental illness. And women are more prone than men; although, in some cases men can also be a candidate for this disorder. American Psychiatric Association viewed this as a psychological disorder affecting mainly young women (American Psychiatric Association, 1984) and recent reports suggest a long-term increasing incidence of the problem (Lucas, 1991; Lucas et al., 1991; Willi & Grossman, 1983). The article, "An Anorexic's Recovery" is a timely way of informing people/readers of this lethal psychological disorder through the experience of the writer on this illness. As a narrative article, the point of views of the writer was emphasized on her accounts of battling the mental disorder. The worst part of anorexia is the determination of factors that causes the disorder. Until now, there is no exact cause of anorexia nervosa. However, researchers on the field of medicine and psychology suggested that factors in general could be categorized as follows: Cultural Pressure - Just like in the case of Rutherford, cultural pressure played as the main role why she suffered from anorexia. . Rutherford "wanted to impress the boys in university and she [I] thought being thin would help. So she [I] went on a diet"(n.p.). (eHealthMD, 2005) claimed that "in many societies, being extremely thin is the standard of beauty for women and represents success, happiness, and self-control.(p.3). Cultural pressure seems to be the primary cause of why some suffer from this mental disorder. In the article, this was the only cause stated; however, below you can see that not only cultural pressure is to be blamed but other factors as well. Psychological Issues - People who have low self-esteem, poor body image, rigid thinking patterns, perfectionism, feelings of ineffectiveness, physical or sexual abuse, and need for control are prone on developing anorexia. Psychological imbalances may be a by-factor of having the disorder. Rutherford's case may seem to imply that she may have suffered from the need of being perfect, although the writer projected that being good in school or things he did imply that he is psychologically stable: "I was an honors student when I entered university and had an 82 percent average after my first semester. I had made lots of friends and had balanced my social and academic obligations". In view points of psychology, anorexia is a mental illness and therefore has a lot to do with psychological issues. Rutherford may have overlooked this issue on his article. Family Environment - Some family upbringings may be factors to the development of anorexia. The families of people who have the disorder are more expected to be rigid, overprotective, and suffocating closeness. In these situations, anorexia nervosa builds up as a way of fighting back for individuality and independence. Genetic Factors - According to (Wade,, 2000) "anorexia shares a genetic risk with clinical depression" (p.157). People who have

Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Strategic Management - Assignment Example According to that organization forms its strategies to get benefit of opportunities or to handle industrial or environmental problem. Strategies of business focus on diversified ways to achieve success. Environmental analysis establishes a linkage between business and its operating environment. Various socio economic and sustainable issues are highlighted in this analysis. In this case study three important framework are used to explain importance of environmental analysis in growth and success of organization. External environmental analysis gives a detail idea about industry. There are some major forces which controls and influence the entire business environment of a country. In this case study environmental analysis of United Kingdom is done. Explaining and analysing various factors of environment organization develop its future actions and events. This analysis also gives information about other players present in the market. The companies form a clear idea about existing compet ition and its competitive position in the market. This framework analysis highlights unpredictable and important environmental factors of UK market. PESTEL analysis explains six macro level environmental factors. These factors play a vital role in affecting business decisions of a company. Political: UK has many political rules and regulations which affects the establishment of business strategies. UK government has imposed several laws and regulations regarding retail management and its waste disposal. Wide range political factors affect Tesco’s operation and business process. Different types of taxes are levied by UK government on the business activities of Retail Company. For example Tesco have given many taxes for conducting its business operations (Meckel 79). Tesco forms strategies to reduce its tax burden in its operating market. The government of this country also encourages the retail company to develop and expand its business

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

French Revolution Essay Example for Free

French Revolution Essay Modernity by itself is a very abstract concept which can be associated with all new experiences in history. It is largely temporal because what is modern today is the old or obsolete tomorrow. Modernity is said to be a logic of negation because it tends to give importance to the present over the past, and at the same time also frowns over the present with respect to the future. From a purely historical perspective however, the society which evolved in Europe after the French Revolution of 1789 can be termed as modern in so much so that there is a marked difference or break in the way of thinking, living and enterprise between the societies after and before the French Revolution. The evolution of the modern society was not a process that happened overnight. The roots of the modern society and its gradual evolution can be traced back to the beginning of the eighteenth century. In fact the period from that point in history to the French Revolution is termed as the period of intellectual Enlightenment when there was a radical change in philosophy, science, politics, arts and culture. It was on these new forms of knowledge that the foundation of the modern society or modernity was based. Defining the Traditional Many scholars have tried to analyze the basic or instinctive nature of human beings in attempts to track back how modernity could have affected the core individual. In his book Leviathan, Hobbes deduced that in an environment uninfluenced by artificial systems or in a ‘state of nature’ human beings would be war like and violent, and their lives would consequently be solitary, poor, brutish and short. Rousseau however contradicts Hobbes. He claims that humans are essentially benevolent by nature. He believed in the ‘noble savage’ or the concept that devoid of civilization human beings are essentially peaceful and egalitarian and live in harmony with the environment – an idea associated with Romanticism. Human beings have however lived in communities and formed societies since the very early ages. In what is now known as the ancient world or the world of classical pagan antiquity typical of the societies of Greece and Rome, the concept of the ‘new’ or ‘change’ was absent. Time, like the seasons, was supposed to move in cyclical order, repeating itself with regularity cycle after cycle with nothing new or changed to break away from the established order. The people were steeped in more superstitious and religious beliefs which ruled almost every aspect of their lives. Christianity brought about changes in the belief systems of the ancient world. Christianity postulated that time was linear, that it began from the birth of Jesus Christ and would end with the apocalypse and the second coming of Jesus. This was a linear concept of time that moved in a straight line and not in a cycle that kept coming back to the same point. The Foundations of Modernity It was during the Enlightenment period that the Christian concepts of time and history were secularized to give way to the modern approach to change and progress. There were many other basic changes during the Enlightenment. The key ideas which formed the basis of the enlightenment period were autonomy and emancipation, progress and the improvement of history and universalism. The development of scientific knowledge gave rise to religious skepticism. People were no longer willing to submit blindly to the dictates of ordained religion. In other words they attained emancipation from the shackles of religion that had governed almost all aspects of their lives. This emancipation led to autonomy of the individual. Individuals began to decide for themselves instead submitting to an external authority such as religion. The people now decided by themselves what kind of authority, rules and regulation would be good for them, and such authority must be natural and not supernatural. Enlightenment encouraged criticism. Enlightenment thinkers did not hold anything sacred and freely criticized, questioned, examined and challenged all dogmas and institutions in their search for betterment or progress. Thinkers such as Voltaire defended reason and rationalism against institutionalized superstition and tyranny. The belief that there could and should be a change for the better came to be a prominent characteristic of modernity. The critical attitude of enlightenment thinker to contemporary social and political institutions paved the way for scientific studies of political and social studies and subsequent evolution of better forms of such institutions. The scientific revolution during the period, culminating in the work of Isaac Newton, presented a very practical and objective view of the natural world to people at large, and science came to be regarded very highly. Scientific inquiry was gradually extended to cover new social, political and cultural areas. Such studies were oriented around the cause-and-effect approach of naturalism. Control of prejudice was also deemed to be essential to make them value free. Enlightenment thinking emphasized the importance of reason and rationality in organization and development of knowledge. The gradual development of the scientific temperament with a paradigm change from the qualitative to the quantitative is also very evident in Europe of the time. People came to believe that they could better their own lot through a more scientific and rational approach to everything. The concept of universalism which advocated that reason and science were applicable to all fields of study and that science laws, in particular, were universal, also grew roots during the period. People began to believe in change, development and progress – all basic tenets of modernity as we know it today. Autonomy to decide for their own good, gave the people the right to choose the form of authority that could lead them as a society or community towards a better future and progress. This opened the doors to the emergence of states with separate and legally defined spheres of jurisdiction. Thus we find that modernity represents a transformation – philosophical, scientific, social, political and cultural – at a definite time in history at a definite spatial location. This transformation also represents a continuum up to the present in so much so that its basic principles are inherent in the societies and nations of today. The period of enlightenment can be seen as one of transition from the ‘traditional’ to the ‘modern’ forms of society, from an age of blind beliefs to a new age of reason and rational. Different Perspectives on development of Modernity Different political and philosophical thinkers have however developed different, and sometimes contradicting, theories of the development of modernity. Friedrich Hegel and Karl Marx are two of the leading thinkers whose theories run counter to each other. For Hegel, the development of modernity was a dialectical process which was governed by the increasing self-consciousness of what he termed as the collective human ‘mind’ or ‘spirit’. According to Hegel, the dialectic process of development of the mind comprised three stages, with two initially contradicting positions synthesizing into a third reconciled position. Human beings live what Hegel called an ‘Ethical Life’ or in a social environment shaped by customs and traditions. This ethical life has three stages: the first is the family, which is dissolved in due course, the second is the ‘civil society’ that a person builds up as a result of his social interactions beyond the family and greater relations, and finally the third stage of the ‘state’ which Hegel defines as the highest form of social reason. For Hegel therefore, the formation of the modern state is the mark of modernity when human beings achieve the ultimate stage of social existence. Hegel believed as individuals or families, human beings are too selfish and self-centered co-exist in harmony and work for development. It is the state that is able to integrate the contradictions of different individuals, and not market forces. Since the state by itself is composed of political institutions, Hegel’s theory equates the development of the modern state or modern political institutions with modernity. Marx took a completely opposing view, when he asserted that material forces drive history. For him the state by itself is not an ideal entity for the integration of human beings into a cohesive whole for their development as a nation or a society. According to him it is the material forces comprising social and economic forces that drive history towards modernity. People engage in production for their means of subsistence, they bind together and form states for the sake of production. Different forms of productions create different class relations. It is to maximize production and gain the maximum benefits and advantages that people bond together in different classes in the form of the modern state. The different ways in which production is organized give rise to complex forms of social organization because a particular mode of production is an entire way of life for the people who are involved in it. For Marx social existence is not consciously determined by human beings, rather, it is the other way round: their social existence determines their consciousness. When there are contradictions between productive forces and the social relationships of production, class conflict arises. For Marx, therefore, modernity is defined by the state of social existence. Marx acknowledges that ‘capitalism has been the most productive mode of production, and it contains the most potential for the realization of human freedom’. This very dynamic characteristic of capitalism is born out of its destructiveness for all traditional social constraints such as religion, nation, family, sex, etc. But it is the same destructiveness and creativeness that creates the experience of modernity in Capitalism. This vital association between capitalism and modernity from none less that Marx himself establishes that the capitalism that evolved after the period of enlightenment in Europe has been acknowledged as the modern era of the period of modernity by Marx. Marx however states that capitalism is exploitative, and because it is exploitative, its full potential cannot be harnessed for the benefit of all. He therefore advocates communism which is a system of planned and conscious production by men and women of their won free will. This brings us to the question whether humanity has already passed through a stage of history that has been termed as modernity, and has moved on to the postmodern era (Mitchell, 2009). Another important point is regarding the placing of modernity. Modernity is understood to be a process that began and ended in Europe, and was later exported to other parts of the world. Thinkers like Marx tend to differ. He saw Capitalism emerge as a ‘rosy dawn’ not in England or the Netherlands but in the production trade and finance of the colonial system (Marx, 1967). Therefore, though the concept of modernity can be defined in various ways, it definitely refers to the process of evolution of the human mind and the society to a point where people were able to come together for their own advantage and benefit and work for unceasing development under a collectively formalized authority such as the nation state. It can also be state with a certain degree of assertiveness that the period from the beginning of the Eighteenth Century to the French Revolution in 1789 actually marked the period of active development of modernity in Europe. The concepts that were nurtured during the period bore fruit immediately afterwards in Europe and the West and later spread to the rest of the world. The world has continued since on very much the same basic principles but with far more advanced technologies and superior social, economic and political approaches. Influence of Modernity on Literature Modernity had a profound influence on literature. As people began to think differently, they also began to write differently. The modernist ideas of religious emancipation, autonomy, reliance on reason, rationality and science, and on development and progress began to find expression in the literature that developed even during the period of enlightenment and thereafter. This new form of literature came to be known as the Modernist Literature. Modernist literature tended to vent expression to the tendencies of modernity. Modernist literature, as also modernist art, took up cudgels against the old system of blind beliefs. Centering around the idea of individualism or the individual mind, modernist literature displayed mistrust of established institutions such as conventional forms of autocratic government and religion. It also tended not to believe in any absolute truths. Simmel (1903) gives an overview of the thematic concerns of Modernist Literature when he states that, â€Å"The deepest problems of modern life derive from the claim of the individual to preserve the autonomy and individuality of his existence in the face of overwhelming social forces, of historical heritage, of external culture, and of the technique of life. † Examples from two Greats A few examples of Modernist literature will serve to make its characteristics more clear. Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650) is considered to be one of the early enlightenment thinkers whose literary works opened the avenues to the modern era. Known as the founder of modern philosophy and the father of modern mathematics, Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician and scientist whose influence has served to shape the beginnings of Modernist literature. In his famous work, The Discourse on Method, he presents the equally famous quotation ‘cogito ergo sum’ or ‘I think, therefore I am’, which about sums up the very principle of the basis of the modern era. â€Å"I observed that, whilst I thus wished to think that all was false, it was absolutely necessary that I, who thus thought, should be somewhat; and as I observed that this truth, I think, therefore I am (COGITO ERGO SUM), was so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however extravagant, could be alleged by the sceptics capable of shaking it, I concluded that I might, without scruple, accept it as the first principle of the philosophy of which I was in search† (Descartes, 1637). In this work, Descartes drew on ancients such as Sextus Emiricus to revive the idea of skepticism, and reached a truth that he found to be undeniable. â€Å"Descartes started his line of reasoning by doubting everything, so as to assess the world from a fresh perspective, clear of any preconceived notions. In other words, he rejected man’s reliance on God’s revealed word, placing his own intellect on a higher plain† (McCarter, 2006). David Hume (1711 – 1776) was a philosopher, economist and historian from Scotland, and was considered a notable personality both in western philosophy and of the Scottish Enlightenment movement. In his works, he had a way of projecting the errors of scepticism and naturalism, thus carving out a way for secular humanism. In his most famous work, ‘An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding’, Hume asserts that all human knowledge is imbibed through our senses. He argues that unless the source from which the impression of a certain entity is conveyed to our senses is identified, that entity cannot exist. The logic would nullify the existence of God, a soul or a self. â€Å"By the term impression, then, I mean all our more lively perceptions, when we hear, or see, or feel, or love, or hate, or desire, or will. And impressions are distinguished from ideas, which are the less lively perceptions, of which we are conscious, when we reflect on any of those sensations or movements above mentioned †¦It seems a proposition, which will not admit of much dispute, that all our ideas are nothing but copies of our impressions, or, in other words, that it is impossible for us to think of anything, which we have not antecedently felt, either by our external or internal senses†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Dover Philosophical Classics, 2004) In the same work Hume also postulates two kinds of human reasoning – Relation of Ideas and Matters of Fact. The former involves abstract concepts such as of mathematics where deductive faculty is required, and the later is about empirical experiences which are inductive in nature. This postulate has come to be known as Hume’s Fork. Hume, along with his contemporaries of the Scottish Enlightenment, also proposed that the basis for principles of morals is to be sought in the utility that they tend to serve. This shows the questioning nature of modernist literature not only of religious but also of moral and social norms and values. A very visible influence of modernity is therefore seen in the works of Hume. Present-day Modernist Literature If modernity influenced literature, it also used literature to shift from a philosophical and theoretical domain into the practical lives of people. Modernity could infiltrate into the lives of people through literary works that defined and reiterated the legitimate new modes of classification. Old literary forms with traditional meanings attached to them were reworked, allowing readers to modify or contravene the older meanings. â€Å"This opening-up process allowed readers to glean new meanings that modified or contravened the older ones. In the course of these changes, words, forms, and institutions altered their meaning in British life: they, and the practices they comprised, referred differently†¦. modifying ‘reference potential’ in literature fed back into how readers responded to changes in life†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Rothstein, 2007) In art and literature, many critics view ‘modernism’ as a new trend in the field of art and literature, defined basically by stylistic and structural variations. They would not accept the fact that ‘modernism’, it is basic approach, was the principles of modernity rendered plausible in literature and art. Modernity has always tried to hold up the world in new perspectives. Similarly, modernist literature opens up the world in all its forms – theoretical, philosophical, aesthetical and political – for fresh scrutiny. Even in its present form, modernist literature attempts to break the objective world of the realist. â€Å"Modernist writing †¦ takes the reader into a world of unfamiliarity, a deep introspection, a cognitive thought-provoking experience, skepticism of religion, and openness to culture, technology, and innovation† (Melton, 2010). Modernist literature exhibits a fascination with the workings of the mind, and how reality is reflected by the mind. The questioning of life, with or without the presence of God, is another trademark of the philosophical and theoretical moorings of modernist literature. Charles Darwin’s work challenges God as the Creator and presents the process of natural selection in the survival of life. This led to modernist literature of time travel, of questioning the existence of individuals and the purpose of the universe. Modernism brought about a new openness in the areas of feminism, bisexuality, the family, and the mind. In the world of today, modernist literature still display much of the characteristics of the times in which it first took shape. A very important theme of modernist literature today is a feeling of being alone in the world – a feeling stemming from estrangement or alienation. Characters are often presented as being depressed or angry. A second common trait is that of being in doubt. â€Å"It may be disbelief in religion, in happiness, or simply a lack of purpose and doubt in the value of human life. Finally, a third theme that is prevalent is a search for the truth† (Foster, 2010). Then there is a third theme in which the alienated character is always in the search for truth and seeks answers to a plethora of questions relating to human subjectivity. In all these characteristics are to be found the same questioning nature, the same denouncement of blind beliefs and the same dependence on reason and rationality that the Eighteenth Century enlightenment thinkers had pursued. The character is alienated and estranged because he or she questions all that is deemed not right by his or her own mind; the character questions the beliefs of religion and other institutions which are not based on reasoning; and finally the character seeks answers and the truth. â€Å"Modernist literature encompasses the thematic fingerprints of a rebellious, questioning, disbelieving, meditative, and confident type of form, which was conceived out of a change in the belief of humanity, the mind, a God, and the self brought on by the shift from capitalism to an ever-increasing society of revolutionary changes† (Melton, 2010). References Descartes, R. , 1637, The Discourse on Methods. Dover Philosophical Classics, 2004, David Hume, An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Dover Publications Inc. Foster, J. , 2010, Modernism in Literature and History, Available: http://www. helium. com/items/743749-modernism-in-literature-and-history Karl Marx, 1967, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, 3 vols. , New York: International Publishers, 1:703. McCarter, J. , P. , 2006, Literature of the Modern Era, The Puritans’ Home School Curriculum. Melton, L. , 2010, Modernism in Literature and History, Available: http://www. helium. com/items/809291-modernism-in-literature-and-history Mitchell, T. , 2000, The Stage of Modernity, Available: http://www. ram-wan. net/restrepo/modernidad/the%20stage%20of%20modernity-mitchell. pdf Rothstein, E. , 2007, Gleaning Modernity, Earlier Eighteenth Century Literature and the Modernizing Process, Rosemont Publishing and Printing Corp. , Associated University Presses. Simmel, G. , 1093, The Metropolis and Mental Life.